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8. Прочитай текст. Ще раз прочитай його, вживаючи присудки у стверджувальній формі. Напиши змінений текст.

Stepan is a big boy. Не does not live in Kiev. He does not live in Kostyantynivska Street. He does not have a big flat. He does not have a room. He does not have a big table in the room: He does not have a clock on the table. He does not have two windows in the room. Stepan does not like his room. Stepan does not like his street. Stepan does not like his town.

Урок 97

9. Прочитай написаний тобою текст (вправа 8).

10. Прочитай віршик і запам'ятай його.


Why do you cry, Willy? Why do you cry? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why?

11. Склади якомога більше речень, користуючись таблицею. Зверни увагу на вживання do not, does not.





The boy




The girl




Roman and Taras

do not

live in


Svitlana and Katya

does not



The children




182 one hundred and eighty-two


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