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3. — What street do you live in?

— і live in Gogol street.

— Is your street long or short?

— It isn't very long, but it is very nice.

— What can you see in your street?

— I can see high houses, big shops, green trees, many buses, trams and cars there. I like my street.

4. — What kind of classroom have you?

— We have a very big classroom.

— Is your classroom light or dark?

— It's light. It has three big windows.

— What can you see in your classroom?

— I can see many desks, a blackboard, a big map, many pictures and four shelves there.

— Where are the shelves?

— They are on the wall. We can see many good books there. I like my classroom.

38. До вас у школу прийшов новий учень:

а) познайомся з ним;

б) розпитай його про вулицю, на якій він живе;

в) розпитай про його кімнату;

г) розпитай про його колишню школу і клас.

39. Напиши про себе і свою кімнату.

40. Склади і напиши по одному реченню з кожним словом.

a nice picture a little black kitten a white door red flowers a big lake green trees

une hundred and sixty-three 163


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