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10. What is your friend's brother?

11. Is your friend's father an engineer?

12. Is your friend's mother a teacher?

13. Is your brother's friend an employee?

14. Does your friend's father work at the institute?

Хто брат твого друга?

Батько твого друга інженер?

Мати твого друга вчителька?

Друг твого брата службовець?

Батько твого друга працює в інституті?

13. Склади якомога більше речень, користуючись таблицею.

My father My mother My friend

My friend's brother My friend's mother


at the factory, at the plant, at school, at the institute, at the hospital.

14. Прочитайте діалоги в парах і складіть подібні діалоги про себе.

а) — What is your father's name?

— My father's name is Petro Ivanovych.

— What is your father?

— My father is an engineer. And yours?

— My father is a doctor. Where does your father work?

— My father works at the plant. And yours?

— My father works at the hospital.

б) — Do you have a sister?

— Yes, I do. And you?

— I have a sister too. My sister works at school.

— And yours?

— My sister works at the hospital.

two hundred and nine 209


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