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2. — I want to draw, but I have no ... Give me your ..., please.

— Thank you.

г) Продовжіть діалоги.

— I want to play but I have no toys.....

I want to clean the blackboard but I have no duster.....

— I want , to show the lake on the map but I have no Rointer.....

— I want to read but I have no book.....

36. Виконай вправу 33 письмово.

37. Виконайте в парах вправу 35г).

Урок 116

38. Утворіть питальні та заперечні речення, використовуючи допоміжне дієслово do.

Зразок: 1 have no book. I don't have a book.

Have you a book? — Do you have a book?

1. Tolya has no book.

2. Have you a blue pencil?

3. Has she a new car?

4. Roman and Stanislav have no ball.

5. Have the children a picture on the table?

6. What has Katya in her hand?

7. What have they in the room?

39. Дай відповіді на запитання. Короткі заперечні відповіді доповни за зразком.

Зразок: Have you a sister? No, I haven't. I have a brother.

a) Have you a mother? Have you a sister?

228 two hundred and twenty-eight


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