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Nina Likes Apples

Mother's friend gives little Nina a nice red apple. Nina takes the apple.

"What must you say, Nina?" her mother says. Nina looks at her mother. Then she looks at her apple and says, "Please, give me another1 apple!"

A Good Реп

"Please, give me your pen!" "Why do you want my pen?" "I want to write my lesson". "But you have a pen. Why don't you want to write with your pen?"

"I don't like my pen. When 1 write with my pen, I have many mistakes 1 in my exercise-book!"

1 mistake — помилка

Is She a Good Teacher?

A little boy comes home from school. His mother asks him, "Do you like your new teacher, Nick?"

"No, I don't! She doesn't know many things!" Nick says.

"Why do you say that?"

"She says, 'three and three is six', and then she says, 'two and four is six'l"

51. Прочитай жарти з вправи 50.

52. Запитай сусіда по парті про його батьків. Розкажи йому про своїх.

53. Уявіть, що до вас прийшов новий учень. Познайомтеся з ним.

54. Розпитайте один одного про ваших друзів.

55. Напиши твір на одну з тем:

1. "My Family."

2. "My Friend's Family."

two hundred and thirty-five 235


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