29. Продовж речення з вправи 27, доповнюючи їх висловлюваннями, шо подані нижче. Напиши речення. Зразок: I think she is a good pupil because her marks are good. because she is five, because her (his) clothes are always clean and pressed, because he (she) helps his (her) parents, because they like children, because his clothes and hands are dirty, because he doesn't help his parents, because his (her) marks are good, because his (her) marks are bad. Урок 123 30. Виконай вправу 27. 31. Розглянь малюнки і обгрунтуй висловлювання до них.
Natalka is a pupil of the fourth form. Natalka is a good pupil. Natalka is a tidy girl. Natalka has her school uniform on.
Mykola is a pupil of the fifth form Mykola isn't a good pupil. Mykola isn't a tidy boy. Mykola isn't a little child. two hundred and forty-seven 247