32. Прочитайте діалоги в парах. Складіть подібні діалоги самі. а) — I think Petro isn't a tidy boy. — Why do you think so? — I think so because his trousers are not pressed, his shoes are dirty. You are right. And what do you think about Oleh? Oh, Oleh's trousers are always pressed, his shoes are clean, his hands are always clean. I think he is a tidy boy. б) — What do you think, is Olya a tidy girl? — Look at her! Her school uniform is always clean and pr'essed, her hands are clean, her shoes are clean. That's why I think Olya is a tidy girl. — You are right. 33. Розглянь малюнок і дай письмові відповіді на запитання.
1. What is the girl s name? 2. How old is Lida? 3. What form is she in? Why do you think so? 4. Is Lida a good pupil? Why do you think so? 5. Is she a tidy girl? Why do you think so? 6. Do you like this girl? Why? Урок 124 34. Розкажи про дівчинку Ліду, зображену на малюнку. 35. Прочитай речення. Зверни увагу на їхню структуру. 1. What are your clothes like? Який у тебе одяг? They are clean. Чистий. They are new. Нові. 248 two hundred and forty-eight